Who or what does God hate?
through David NelmesIt's very clear in the Bible where God hates the enemies of its chosen people, since his usual response is to have his enemies killed. God has very clearly been shown to destroy entire cities because...
Q: Who or what does God hate?
It's very clear in the Bible where God hates the enemies of its chosen people, since his usual response is to have his enemies killed. God has very clearly been shown to destroy entire cities because of how he so detests the actions of the people living there.
Modern Christians sometimes say, "God hates the sin--not the sinner", but that is a flowery cover and a lie since God does not destroy just the sin he hates, but also destroys the sinner.
There are almost endless examples of what God clearly disapproves of, and even across multiple cultures, it's clear that the entire concept of God has to do with hating those who do not follow him and then giving the right to kill to those who do. It's very confusing. Who or what does God hate?
(This is a reader submitted question. Its contents may have been edited, and all personal information has been removed)
A: Hate can only result from embracing fear. Hate is the result of not wanting to see how you are connected to that which you fear or do not understand. Hate exists because of how you interpret the past or what you fear may happen in the future.
None of those reactions apply to the personality of God because God is perfect love. Since perfect love casts out fear, God has no fear and knows not of hate and has nothing to do with anything even remotely associated with the idea.
All stories, scripture and ideas where it shows God reacting out of fear, jealousy, hate, anger, etc, are all generated from the thoughts of fearful men and were simple deductions they made of how they believed God was either responsible or endorsed what had occurred, but these recorded events have nothing to do with God.
God is all about being connected and knowing that nothing is separate. For God to hate anything, he would then have to hate himself since nothing exists apart from him. We were created as children of God, and even though we appear to see ourselves as separate individuals, we cannot exist outside of God since nothing exists outside of God.
The physical world which symbolizes a separate place from God, screams of not having God in control, but this is simply because we have allowed ourselves to see things this way. We are spiritual beings dreaming of a physical and separate existence, but this is simply a grand distraction and has no eternal effect.
Nothing physical matters since nothing physical has lasting or eternal effects. Our spirits are eternal and are not affected by what happens here, so God has no reason to hate or be angry or even be concerned about what happens here since this will eventually go away when we once again all focus on returning to him and let loose of this desire to be separate. At that time, our 'dream' will conclude and we'll open our spiritual eyes once again and become totally aware of our spiritual existence--and this concept or idea of a separate physical world will simply cease to exist.
God does not hate because there is no reason for him to be concerned, therefore no reason for him to be fearful and therefore, nothing to seed the thought to hate in the first place. God is love and total connection to all things.
David Nelmes - David is a Reiki Master, author and teacher who has a genuine and powerful sense of healing, teaching and writing. His desire to share his knowledge about energy work has manifested itself through his web site's services, courses and articles, and they are a testimony to the quality and power of what he has to share.
David's favorite phrase is, "'I am here only to be truly helpful." This is a phrase from A Course in Miracles that he has striven to live by. David's happy goal is to share what he has learned and continues to learn. He extends peace and blessings to all.
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Seeing God: Perhaps For The First Time
This collection of articles may help you in Seeing God more clearly. The author believes God is a God of love, and his writings express the thought that God is a God of love and that He does not teach through fear or use fear in any way.