A quick review of how I see the Bible
Spiritual Commentary through David NelmesWhen I was younger, (teen/young adult) many aspects of my life focused on church and the Bible. I was a bible toting junior in high school and proudly read my Bible in class when completed with that da...
When I was younger, (teen/young adult) many aspects of my life focused on church and the Bible. I was a bible toting junior in high school and proudly read my Bible in class when completed with that days assignment. As a young Christian, I embraced the Lord as passionately as possible and was a true Pentecostal believer.
Time passes and life happens. I fell away from God, but eventually was drawn back, but not through religion, but through the absence of religion. I read the first Conversations with God book, and although I did not really buy many of the things the author related, it did help me see that God might be different than what the Bible had explained.
I later began reading A Course In Miracles -- which was a very difficult read at first, but still, it portrayed God differently. It portrayed God as I had always hoped he could be--unconditionally loving of everyone.
As I began writing articles, while also getting a clearer picture of God's true being, my articles slowly introduced many things about the Bible in which I disagreed and in which I believed were responsible for our very distorted image of God. At the time, I did not realize that I was Bible bashing with an attitude to some degree. I later read an article by Ken Wopnak that stated that those of us who were brow beaten with the Bible, might have a tendency to then brow beat Bible believers with A Course In Miracles -- but this is of course, an error in judgement and totally unnecessary.
I left my original writings as they are since they still portray a viewpoint that may be helpful to some and since all things work together for good, I can't let myself think anything but good will come from them.
Now, as I opt to include the Bible as part of a discussion or in an article, I focus only on those things I believe as truly depicting our God as loving, and I do not debate those things that disagree. It's not my job to say "hey look how wrong you are about that", because then I am judging and it's not possible to judge here. We simply don't have all the facts.
My base premise for seeing God as a truly loving God is also confirmed within the bible in 1st John where it states that perfect love casts out fear, and in the Gospel of Luke where Jesus says to pray for your enemies, do good to your enemies and to give without expecting anything in return. These are just a few of the true characteristics of an unconditionally loving God. Anything else that is written within the Bible or any other text that shows God as using fear or playing favorites or establishing requirements by which he'll give, I know is written from the heart of man, and does not have anything to do with the truly loving characteristics of God.
Overall, I believe that the physical things that we so dearly cling to, need to be let go. Who cares when they happened, if they happened or how they happened? Does the story convey a truly loving message? Are Gods actions in the story peaceful, kind and unconditionally loving? If so, the story may be true, but the actual events are not important if they occurred as written. What is important is the lessons of love they teach.
God is not physical and I don't believe there is a single physical thing he requires from us, nor is there a single physical thing he has blessed above another. Nothing physical matters because only spirit is eternal and only the eternal matters. Jesus proved this as he rose again. He showed his followers that no matter what anyone does to the body, you don't die -- only the body dies.
The Bible is a great source of information, provided you can accept that it is not 100% inspired by God and can be questioned. People, like you and like myself, wrote the stories and accounts in the Bible. They wrote what they felt was true or necessary to say at the time, but this does not make it Gods inspired word, it just makes it words.
I believe I am inspired, but not every single word--or even every paragraph or even every article, however, I am open to allow the Holy Spirit and Jesus to work through me more and more with every time I write, and I know as time has passed, what I write today is more inspired than what I wrote 5 years ago--as it should be, otherwise, I have not grown.
Nothing on earth is perfect and nothing on earth provides all the knowing that will reveal God's truly loving nature, including the Bible and A Course In Miracles. To accomplish this, simply open yourself to contemplating that God is more than all the feeble attempts any man has made to describe him, and be open to let him reveal himself to you. Be willing to see things differently by setting aside everything in this world that has created any image at all of God in your mind, and God's true image will begin to break through.
David Nelmes - David is a Reiki Master, author and teacher who has a genuine and powerful sense of healing, teaching and writing. His desire to share his knowledge about energy work has manifested itself through his web site's services, courses and articles, and they are a testimony to the quality and power of what he has to share.
David's favorite phrase is, "'I am here only to be truly helpful." This is a phrase from A Course in Miracles that he has striven to live by. David's happy goal is to share what he has learned and continues to learn. He extends peace and blessings to all.
You can explore David's Energy Healing Services.
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Seeing God: Perhaps For The First Time
This collection of articles may help you in Seeing God more clearly. The author believes God is a God of love, and his writings express the thought that God is a God of love and that He does not teach through fear or use fear in any way.