How does one learn how to be willing?
through David NelmesIn your article about Being Willing you mentioned or rather suggested that one learn how to be willing. "Learn to Be willing and you'll truly see what God Can Do." My question is how does one...
Q: How does one learn how to be willing?
In your article about Being Willing you mentioned or rather suggested that one learn how to be willing. "Learn to Be willing and you'll truly see what God Can Do."
My question is how does one learn how to be willing? For example, if one were trying to prove the existence of God but wouldn't or couln't accept the myriad proofs because of unwillingness, prejudice or bias, how does one turn that unwillingness to willingness?
(This is a reader submitted question. Its contents may have been edited, and all personal information has been removed)
A: Very good question.
Everyone has a will. Where we focus this will is what determines what we are open to see or believe. When somebody is 'unwilling' to hear about certain possibilities, this is often due to associating this experience as having to accept somebody else's ideas, rules and concepts in place of the ones they now hold. It can be very difficult to force somebody to see your point of view when they are so sure theirs is fine--and the bottom line is that we should not feel the need to force our ideas upon somebody anyway.
God is working with everyone at every moment. To change what appears to be 'unwillingness' into 'willingness' can be achieved peacefully and quietly by considering that there may be more. Opening your mind to see things differently only needs the smallest little question of any current belief. This question is an opening to let God in and heal the perception and provide better insight.
For example, when one tries to rationalize the Biblical version of God, tens of thousands of explanations must be fabricated and accepted to prove that a murdering and jealous god is also a loving and peaceful god--even though these concepts are in direct conflict with each. This conflict can raise the question as to what indeed is the truth about God. This method of thinking is an opening of the mind and this is a willingness to see things differently and more truthfully. We all have some questions. Start with what we question and there you will find an opening to seek new thinking and an opening to find new answers.
Willingness, with respect to total daily guidance, involves an integrated trust and appreciation for God. This can take some time to develop, so just think of every instance as practice. Every circumstance is an opportunity to practice being patient and to practice being more open and to practice seeing differently. You can never fail because even when you appear to blow your attempt to be peaceful, another opportunity to practice it will always return. God is never disappointed in you and is simply walking beside you, with his hand extended. he never pulls his hand away--but we often choose not to reach for it, and here is where our willingness can really make a difference. The more willing you become to open your life for Gods direct assistance, the clearer things will appear and more likely you are to be even more open and more willing as each day passes.
Be patient. Even though the world seems to have put a time frame on how long you have to get to know God, you actually have all eternity to accomplish this, so be patient with yourself because your father is being patient with you as well. Be open for peace, love and security and you will begin to see things differently and your willingness will blossom.
David Nelmes - David is a Reiki Master, author and teacher who has a genuine and powerful sense of healing, teaching and writing. His desire to share his knowledge about energy work has manifested itself through his web site's services, courses and articles, and they are a testimony to the quality and power of what he has to share.
David's favorite phrase is, "'I am here only to be truly helpful." This is a phrase from A Course in Miracles that he has striven to live by. David's happy goal is to share what he has learned and continues to learn. He extends peace and blessings to all.
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