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How Does God Guide You In Making Hard Decisions?

through David Nelmes

There seems to be an almost unending series of problems in my life and I rarely find an answer that really fixes the problems. They say you should be able to pray and ask God to help you or guide you,...

Q: How Does God Guide You In Making Hard Decisions?

There seems to be an almost unending series of problems in my life and I rarely find an answer that really fixes the problems. They say you should be able to pray and ask God to help you or guide you, but how does this work? I've asked for help on countless occassions and have never really seen any consistent results that could allow me to determine whether or not a few of the things that did work out, would have worked out anyway.

How does God talk to you? How does God respond to prayer? How does God reveal himself? There are so many questions and I have yet to confirm that any help has ever come from God. Just how does God guide you in making the hard decisions in life?

A: There is never an instant of time where God's guidance isn't more than a quiet moment away, so there is never a shortage of God's guidance, but simply a choice to not hear it.

You will, of course, scream that you have begged, cried and pleaded for God's guidance, so how can I say you have chosen not to hear it? The fact that you still don't hear it, should be enough to help you consider that you might be part of why the answers do not seem to be there when you ask.

There are no hard decisions and there are no easy decisions for they are all the same to the Holy Spirit who sees no level of difficulty with what we perceive as problems in our lives. Whether we are confused about how to get a blueberry stain out of a new dress or can't figure out how to resolve the violence in the mid-east, one of these answers is as easy for him to provide as the other.

The issue never has been that the answers are not provided. The issue has always been that we do not want to hear the answer -- if the answer does not agree somewhat with what we think the answer should be. In other words, we rarely look for answers, but for confirmations of what we think are the answers.

When we have already decided the answer or have an idea of what the answer should be, the Holy Spirits response is 'nothing' since there is nothing to respond to. You are asking nothing and simply making noises.

If you really want answers -- God's answers, you can learn to allow God's answers to come through. To start, stop asking for specific things since this is not asking for what God knows is best, but is just you 'fishing' for what you think is best.

Learn to quiet your mind by spending time each day where you practice creating a focus on a single light when you close your eyes or on a single thought or on a single sound. It does not matter what you choose, but the important thing is that you eliminate many or all of the random thoughts that normally occupy your mind.

Having quieted your mind, let go of all the things that you think you need or you think should occur or that you think may occur and leave a blank slate where all your requirement, needs and ideas once were. Allow the Holy Spirit to write his ideas and thoughts on this blank slate. Allow and welcome into your life, that which the Holy Spirit and Jesus knows is the most perfect and best thing for you -- and don't judge what happens, but simply accept that God knows what he is doing and follow through on the things that fall into your life.

The answer for all decisions is to learn to truly trust God and accept that what he sends into your life will lead you to greater things. Choose to see things differently. Be open to see things as the Holy Spirit and Jesus sees them and then your answers will present themselves to you, with little or no effort on your part.

David Nelmes David Nelmes - David is a Reiki Master, author and teacher who has a genuine and powerful sense of healing, teaching and writing. His desire to share his knowledge about energy work has manifested itself through his web site's services, courses and articles, and they are a testimony to the quality and power of what he has to share.
David's favorite phrase is, "'I am here only to be truly helpful." This is a phrase from A Course in Miracles that he has striven to live by. David's happy goal is to share what he has learned and continues to learn. He extends peace and blessings to all.

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