By Being Willing, you allow God to Do things in your Life. - Persecuted For Being Like God - a spiritually uplifting article

"God is a God of Love and He does not teach through fear
or use fear in any way." -- David Nelmes

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Persecuted For Being Like God

through David Nelmes

Why has the world chosen to kill and attack individuals who act a lot like our Biblical God and demonstrate many of his traits? We need to take a closer look at the people we choose to persecute if we are also choosing to model our lives after our Biblical God.

The Bible states that God created us in his image. Since most of us no longer think of God as an old man with a long flowing beard, we realize he is a spirit being and that if we were created in his image, this is a direct reference to our spiritual essence and abilities. We are like him spiritually because he created us spiritually, just as our children are like us physically because we create them physically.

So, I pose the question...why has the world, past and present, chosen to kill and attack individuals who act a lot like our Biblical God and demonstrate many of the traits associated with God? Why are people and leaders of the world hated and destroyed when they act like the Biblical God? Christians are expected to act like Jesus who is also God, so why do we continue to chastise many of those God-like prophets that have been brought into the world these past few centuries? We really need to take a closer look at the people we choose to persecute if we are also choosing to model our lives after God.

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Copyright 2005 Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited, and its licensors. All rights reserved.

"Why has the world chosen to kill and attack individuals who act a lot like our Biblical God and demonstrate many of his traits? We need to take a closer look at the people we choose to persecute if we are also choosing to model our lives after our Biblical God."

More recently, let's look at Saddam. Saddam dictated his people follow certain rules under penalty of punishment or death...just like God. Saddam killed thousands or millions who would not bow to him and follow his rules...just like God. Saddam desired to be revered and even worshipped...just like God. Saddam was nervous and had anxiety about what would happen to him if his people were allowed to interact without him...just like God. Saddam did not want his people to look at or be exposed to other beliefs unlike his...just like God. Saddam released a mist of fear that all should obey him without question...just like God. Saddam provided just enough to eat and exist on and said you should just be grateful he didn't kill you, because he can...just like God.

So, the question is this...if we are created in the image of God and are told to desire to be like God...why do we attack and kill those leaders and individuals...those prophets that actually achieve this goal and act like God? Like all ancient concepts of God and gods, bloodshed is expected and required, so what's the basis for us having issue with world leaders that require this as well? Why the double standard? Why doesn't Saddam deserve our admiration and respect?

If you say we are not allowed to be like that part of God that has the right to be vengeful, angry and murderous since this is what makes him holy and worthy of our worship (? Hmmm )...then we are not created in his image and we are created simply as toys...somewhat like the concept of Zeus and his earthling amusements. We are nothing but things to play be tossed aside and destroyed at will. If that is the case, we are not created in Gods image...and even then, not even created as a shadow of his image, but as a slave to the whims of his image. If this were the case, everybody would eventually be tortured for the pleasure and amusement of this God, no matter how well they behaved, because only a sadistic being would create such a condition for life.

When looking at the regime of Saddam or any dictatorship...why doesn't forced allegiance under penalty of punishment and death work? Think about this. What is the inevitable end result of this kind of rule? What is wrong with Saddam or any dictator demanding obedience...or else? What is wrong with using fear and punishment as a means to gain something? When is it OK to threaten a life to get what you don't need, but simply want? Why are we upset at Saddam for acting like God?

Hmmm, for a moment, let's say the Biblical version of God is true and that God does eventually massacre all non-believers on earth in a battle more bloody than ever recorded (because he is YHWH, the god of war...currently at war with Satan and all non-believers) and let's say he sets up a kingdom on earth and lays down the new rules. He cannot change and so he will still say ..."Do this or I will Kill You...Do that and I will kill you...think differently of me tomorrow and I will kill you...disobey me and I will send you to a place where you will feel like your entire body is on fire forever and ever. Look down when I say look up and I will torture you"....I think I would rather take my chances with Saddam.

If you can answer or explain the reasons why Saddam was not a good leader and why it would not be a natural thing for people to love him and follow him and why he should not have done the things he did, then apply this to the Biblical God as well because we are created in his image. We do know better than to act in the way that Saddam, Hitler, Napoleon and Caesar acted.....and So Does God! If we can so easily see that this kind of behavior is unacceptable, how can you even begin to fathom that God does not already know this? You simply need to set aside the angry vision of God that is drawn by the Bible and open your heart to see him as he really is...a loving God.

We know there is never any good that comes out of forcing people to do things they don't want to do...and so does God. We know that using fear to motivate people might show some initial results, but that the final effect will be disastrous...and so does God. We know that threatening somebody with death and punishment is not motivation enough for people to choose to change....and so does God. We know that using guilt to get what we want ends up with sad and unhappy people that don't want to be with us...and so does God.

We know that being patient and being loving is the only way for an individual to truly love....and so does God. We know that our children will eventually listen to us if we be patient and remain there always for them as they need help...and so does God. We know that the only real love is the love freely given, without condition and without threat...and so does God.

We have yet to learn we have no reason to defend that which is perfect and true...but God already knows this. We have yet to learn that the rules and sacrifices we demand within this physical world are neither needed nor required to please God...but God already knows this.

We have yet to conceive that more than one book or one set of guidelines was created to follow as steps towards knowing who God really is...but God already knows this and has been leaving bits and pieces of truth with millions upon millions of people since time began.

I was prompted to write this article after hearing a story of a young Christian woman who was depressed and considering suicide because of her churches teachings about the End Times...and I can't say I blame her. If you believe your God is like Saddam....and even worse, what would be the reason for joy? What else but confusion could arise in your heart when told your loving God is going to kill millions of people and feel totally justified in doing so? What would be your motivation to want to live? Why would you want to spend eternity with a God like that?

For you, young woman, God is not like the God the churches describe to you and he is not going to end the world. Man has so totally misunderstood God and is still acting like primitive tribes, worshipping their God of Bloodshed, of which YHWH originally was king.

YHWH was one of many worshipped Gods in ancient times. YHWH was the God of War and the Israelites chose him as their sole God at times to ensure the destruction of their enemies, but would revert back to Baal for help with their harvests. The Israelites eventually focused in on one primary god, so they may have the distinction of perhaps being the race to first embrace the concept of worshipping one god, but it was the God of War they chose to worship and that has nothing to do with my God, the God of love, peace, patience and eternal blessings.

Any attempt you make to rationalize why God has the right to act in the murderous, jealous and paranoid way as described in the Bible, is only further preventing you from letting go of these misconceptions and preventing you from seeing God more clearly as he really is....a God who is not angry at you, does not require or desire bloodshed, does not want your sacrifice and does not want your worship. All those traits are indications of a very sick, insecure, ungrounded and warped individual and God is not like that.

Most religions go right out the window if you eliminate the concept of a God that requires sacrifice...and this is finally starting to become more and more clear to the people of the earth. All it takes to see this more clearly is to think of God as having UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. That means no condition for expectations about demands from rules to magic words to specific actions to specific thing required to conditions of any kind. He just loves us. He has not left you nor set any obstacles in your way to be one with him again.

Since it is "WE" who have freely created the mess in this world and "WE" who have turned our eyes away from his guidance, "HE" is not responsible for the state of the world nor would "HE" be involved with bringing about its destruction. "HE" is just patiently and lovingly walking beside us, helping us whenever "WE" truly decide to be open to be helped, but otherwise "HE" is allowing us to experience this world situation "WE" created while endlessly teaching us how to be more open and more willing to listen to his truths and guidance.

We are created in the image of God. We are powerful spiritual beings and we have a tendency to bring about things in this world that we believe are inevitable...and so if you choose to believe the world is going to have wars and famines and terrible cataclysmic events, you are part of why they occur.

Stop wanting them. Stop believing they have a purpose. Stop believing God is using them to punish. Stop believing God wants them or is endorsing their existence.

We are created in Gods image and collectively we have the power to change the world for better or worse. Do you believe the world can improve? If not, you can change your mind and choose to believe the world will improve. Choose to believe peace is stronger than war. Choose to believe forgiveness can enter every heart.

If you choose to believe the world has a bright future with a glorious awakening of spirit, you will be helping the world move in that direction. If you choose to believe the world is doomed and headed for destruction, you will have helped the world move in that direction. What would you prefer? What would a genuinely loving God prefer? It will help you to see that God is not doing this to the world or playing us like puppets with some grand plan or scheme where this one single planet earth will determine the fate of the universe...we are doing this. Let's choose to do this differently.

We are not alone and the earth is not a battleground between God and Satan. You really need to step back a moment from this type of thinking and let yourself see how primitive this concept is. This is based solely upon fear of what we think cannot be understood....but our understanding is not being suppressed by God. We are denying our own ability to see the truth that we did this to ourselves. There is no devil to blame, but there is also no angry God looking to punish us. Our whole concept of God is mired and needs to be looked at again with a fresh new perspective.

Our beliefs about God are about as far off from the truth as you can possibly attempt to go. Stop trying to rationalize all the conflicting issues that represent a loving, but murdering god and simply see that it does not make sense and there is nothing to rationalize because it simply is not true. The longer you believe the lie, you longer you will have to constantly try to find ways to explain it and rationalize it...adapting it as time the ages pass. Just stop. Stop defending the Bible and your churches beliefs and let God truthfully speak to you. Stop believing the lie. Stop believing God ever has or ever would kill. Stop believing God ever has or ever will be angry. Stop believing the lessons taught by the fear of men and hold onto this one thought....anything that teaches through fear or uses fear in any way, is not from God.

Choose peace. Peace will guide you. Embrace peace and then listen to who peace would have you be.

Choose love. Love will guide you. Embrace love and then listen to who love would have you be.

Choose God. God will guide you. Embrace God and then listen to who God would have you be.

There is nothing to do except to be open to hear and to be willing to be peace, be love and be what God would have you be.

David Nelmes David Nelmes - David considers it a wonderful blessing that his insight and writings can provide opportunities for others to see things from perspectives they had not considered before.
His base beliefs are founded on the principles established through studying "A Course In Miracles", which has helped him to pursue Gods truths with an open mind that is willing to see what God would have him see.

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This article Copyright ©2006 David Nelmes

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