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We are creatures of love that thrust ourselves into what appears to be a world of hate. The influence of fear and separation has provided us with the perception that love can exist on several levels.It's so easy to get lost within the creations of this world. We weave a web of isolation around ourselves and often never open our hearts to one another, or to God for that matter. ![]() "We are creatures of love that thrust ourselves into what appears to be a world of hate. The influence of fear and separation has provided us with the perception that love can exist on several levels." Where would we hope to get the insight and awareness so necessary to live our lives to the best we can if we close our eyes and hearts to what God is telling us at all times and through so many ways? When has he said anything to you? All the time....Right now. There is never a moment when God isn't speaking to you. There is never a time when your focused moment of silence can't penetrate the wall you have placed between yourself and God. There is never a fleeting chance that God has forgotten you....only that we have forgotten him. How is it possible that we have gone so many centuries and haven't really found God? How is it possible that we have created dozens and hundreds of religions...all claiming to have found God? Where did God go that we think we must seek him out and find him? God never went anywhere...we did. To connect with our unhidden God, all you need is a moment of silence in your heart and mind. Just stop and listen. Clear out your thoughts of the past and your apprehensions of the future and just be open to hear what he has to say to you. Is it possible that God's words to you will conflict with what you already believe? Yes, it may. To accept this possibility, first consider and be open to the truth that no established religion has provided the true path to God. If you can say that your belief has provided this true path, bear in mind that had you been raised in and believed in another religion instead, you would say the same thing about that belief as well. Every religion believes to some degree that they are the single right way and that all other religions are wrong or misleading. To stand so firmly that your belief is the only absolute path to God, you have terminated your ability to hear the truths God would have you know. How is it possible that our worlds religions and beliefs are all right while they are also all wrong? Because....All Beliefs Are Mistaken To Some Degree. How can that be? Because we are not taking the time to truly listen to God. We had written most of our own doctrine to suit our own needs, or what we perceived to be the needs of others. ANYTHING that a doctrine consists of that requires a physical act to satisfy God, is not based upon spiritual truth and therefore had to have been conceived by man. God is a spiritual being and we are spiritual beings as well. There is nothing we can physically do that He either desires or requires. How or why would a spiritual being require physical things? The Bible is one of the worlds most referenced to books with respect to religion. In many circles, it is considered to be the exact words that God would have you hear and believe. It is rarely considered that the stories were written by normal men. It is rarely considered that these men had other purposes and ideologies to achieve when they wrote what they wrote. I do believe these men were inspired, but not in everything they said or believed to be true. Just because they believed God said something to them, doesn't mean that God did or that God said it in the way they understood it. In addition, their explanations of why things happened on the earth are based upon having an angry and judgmental God, just like most primitive tribes believed in their gods. The writers and believers of the early times were primitive in their spiritual thinking and therefore could only see God as fearful and vengeful. Their writings are a direct reflection of that method of thinking. Let's consider Noah's Flood. Christians have long fought and argued that the story of Noah is true and have even used this story to explain the extinction of the dinosaurs. Apparently, they couldn't fit in the ark. It is claimed that the Ark now rests on a Turkish mountaintop and if found, it would finally provide evidence of their belief. OK, for arguments sake, let's say there was a flood of mammoth proportions... perhaps not a worldwide flood, but at least as large as their known world was at the time. How do the people of that time explain the flood to their children, and to themselves for that matter? How do they explain the purpose of the destruction and death as a result of this flood? God had to be angry, right? Why else could something like this occur? Because of their primitive ways of thinking about God, they could only consider it was done by an angry God and created a biased story to explain it. Since they survived, they could only conclude that God couldn't have been angry at them. This also concludes that those who died must have disobeied God in some way and this flood was their punishment. Just like history, the story about the flood is based upon a very narrow perception of the survivers and may not necessarily reflect the true events. As a quick overview, according to the Bible, God decided to flood the entire earth because some people were being disobedient to him. Let's look at this concept a little more clearly:
From another point of view, if the flood had occured, is it possible that God knew the earth was about to undergo some natural, but dramatic change and that Noah was one of the only people open to hear God at the time and therefore he was one of the only ones spared? Is it possible that the others weren't punished, but since they did not open their hearts to hear God, they perished in the flood? Story or not, the moral should be..."Noah's heart was open to hear God and was provided with a better path to follow as compared to the those who did not open their hearts to hear God." God never pushes you to do what you don't want to, but he will provide a better path to follow if you are open to him. God never has and never will do anything out of anger. That's a human trait. We might explain things in a way that makes God the bad-guy, but that's our limited and primitive mind telling a story and it's not God's truth. He is not hiding from us. The truth is not hiding from us. We only need to be willing to set aside those things we currently hold as our truths and then we will see the truths of God in front of us, where they always were. Truth and Peace are the natural states of all being. Here is a direct message from God to all of you: I am here and I am waiting for your hearts to open and your eyes to choose to see the truth that I would have you see and not the truth as man would have you see. There is so much that needs to be healed in your lives and we can start at any time to begin your healing. Trust in me and we will walk the path together. I am you. You are me. We are one. There is nothing you are doing or have done that can get between us. It is written "Seek and you shall find", but I am not hiding, so consider this instead, "Stop seeking the things of this world and you will find I am already here". You don't have to find me, you just have to lose your iron grip on what the world has taught you and simply be open to hear me. I will do the rest. I will heal your mind and heart. I will help you on your path and will do everything necessary to bring you home. Trust and believe what I say. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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